
So, “No kids in jail” pretty much sums it up, but there is a more formal statement we’d like to make regarding our vision:

We aim to help in creating a society where the detention and incarceration of youth is not necessary, where the school to prison pipeline is dismantled, and where marginalization is a thing of the past.


We strive to empower youth to achieve their fullest potential through an approach involving community, mind, and body. We further seek to serve by providing access to resources and experiences that can be transformative and aid in youth development.


Adventure - Change doesn’t often happen when we are comfortable. Adventure in this context means both literal adventure (exploring outdoors and in the wilderness), and embracing the journey of growing and maturing into healthy adults.

Community - We believe that true and lasting changes such as the one we are seeking to help create will take more than any one individual can give. That is why we are seeking to partner with community leaders, families, schools, and other organizations that share a similar vision to help make this vision a reality. 

Empowerment - Self determination is the ability to choose and make real the futures that we want for ourselves, and empowerment is about helping others achieve self determination. This ranges from helping to identify goals for the future, to assisting in securing anything that might be needed to achieve those goals. 

Restorative Community Justice (RCJ) - A future without juvenile detention centers necessitates other, more transformative forms of justice. RCJ is a form of justice with indigenous roots that centers relationships, respect, responsibility, repair, and reintegration as opposed to punishment and consequences.

Wellbeing - Interests can vary widely from person to person. Wellbeing is about being able to pursue one’s interests in healthy and supportive environments. Crux kids seeks to expose youth to a wide range of healthy interests and provide the support needed for them to thrive in the ways they deem important.